Traditions and Encounters, AP Edition (Bentley), 5th Edition

Chapter 17: Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration

Multiple Choice Quiz

By presenting the story of Guillaume Boucher, the authors of the textbook show that
A)the goldsmith of Paris was talented in creating a spectacular silver fountain.
B)the Mongol capital, Karakorum, was magnificent and luxurious.
C)many roads led to Karakorum during the thirteenth century.
D)even slaves enjoyed some prestige when they were skilled craftsmen.
E)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following groups built the largest empire the world had ever seen by the early fourteenth century?
A)the Huns
B)the Saljuq Turks
C)the Mongols
D)the Ottomans
E)the Golden Horde
Nomadic peoples of central Asia
A)lived in kumiss and drank yurts.
B)liked to trade with settled peoples.
C)did not have any religious beliefs.
D)had rigid social classes.
E)None of these answers is correct.
In a nomadic society,
A)there were only two social classes: nobles and commoners.
B)clans and tribes were autonomous; they did not obey orders from other clans.
C)the statuses of nobles and commoners were hereditary and unchanging.
D)nobles tended to govern with iron fists.
E)None of these answers is correct.
Nomadic peoples of Asia could wield massive military power because of their
A)outstanding horsemanship.
B)accuracy with bows and arrows.
C)maneuverability as cavalry units.
D)ability to retreat quickly.
E)All these answers are correct.
Saljuq Turks who lived in Abbasid Persia and took over Byzantine Anatolia during the early eleventh century were
A)equal co-rulers with the Abbasid caliphs.
B)led by sultans who were responsible for most of the governance.
C)resented by the peasants of Anatolia.
D)responsible for defeating the Byzantine army at Manzikert.
E)All these answers are correct.
During the eleventh and twelfth centuries, Ghaznavid Turks
A)invaded Afghanistan.
B)converted to Buddhism and Hinduism.
C)invaded northern India.
D)were constantly expanding their territory.
E)All these answers are correct.
The man who united all the Mongol tribes into a single confederation in 1206 was
A)Khubilai Khan.
C)Tughril Beg.
D)Chinggis Khan.
E)Mahmud of Ghazni.
With regard to Mongols' military strategies, they
A)would travel more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) per day to surprise an enemy.
B)could shoot arrows behind them while riding at a gallop.
C)could shoot arrows and fell enemies within 200 meters (656 feet).
D)would spare their enemies if they surrendered without resistance.
E)All these answers are correct.
According to the eyewitness account of Marco Polo, the Mongols' military tactics included
A)gathering up forces and meeting the enemy face-on.
B)refusing to ever retreat.
C)making even the lowest soldier report to the one high officer in charge of the battle.
D)carrying little by way of food supplies; they would rely on their horses' blood if needed.
E)All these answers are correct.
Chinggis Khan led his army to Persia and wreaked massive destruction on the conquered land. The immediate reason for this havoc was to
A)eliminate Islam.
B)seek revenge against the shah and eliminate the possibility of his survival.
C)make Persian lands into Mongol pastureland.
D)learn how to use the qanat irrigation system.
E)None of these answers is correct.
After Chinggis Khan's death, the Mongol empire was divided into four regional empires. China, as one of the regional empires, was ruled by
A)the great khans.
B)the khans of the Golden Horde.
C)the ilkhans.
D)the khans of Chaghatai.
E)None of these answers is correct.
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the failure of Khubilai's ventures in Japan and southeast Asia?
A)The Mongol forces did not adapt well to the environment of southeast Asia.
B)Bubonic plague erupted and took great tolls among the conquered populations.
C)Mongol navies were destroyed, the Japanese attributing this to the kamikaze.
D)The Mongols were unable to combat the guerilla tactics of the defenders.
E)All these answers are correct.
Observing Mongol rule in Persia and China, one can say that the Mongols were
A)good administrators.
B)ferocious plunderers.
C)intolerant of religious diversity.
E)None of these answers is correct.
As for their rule in China, the Mongols
A)resisted assimilation to Chinese cultural traditions.
B)executed Confucian scholars and promoted Buddhism.
C)encouraged intermarriage between Mongols and Chinese.
D)used local Chinese people as administrators.
E)All these answers are correct.
During the thirteenth century, long-distance trade in Eurasia increased primarily because
A)the Mongols worked to secure trade routes and ensure the safety of merchants passing through their vast territories.
B)Mongol rulers adopted the same paper currency that could be used within all the four regional empires.
C)Mongol policies encouraged economic growth and specialization of production in various regions.
D)Mongol people settled down and began creating agricultural surpluses.
E)All these answers are correct.
All of the following caused the decline of Mongol rule in China EXCEPT
A)peasant rebellions.
B)bubonic plague.
C)the mandate of heaven.
D)sharply rising inflation.
E)weak administration.
The real name of the most famous Turkish leader, known as the "lame conqueror," was
C)Tamerlane the Whirlwind.
Ottomans were
A)descendants of the Mongols.
B)Turkish people.
E)None of these answers is correct.
The man who led the Turkish army and captured Constantinople in 1453 was
C)Mehmed II.
E)None of these answers is correct.
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