Biology (Mader), 10th Edition

Chapter 14: Biotechnology and Genomics

Ethnic Drug

Objective: Students will examine the benefits and risks of research on a drug used for heart patients that has had more success in the African American population.


What was the unique finding about the drug being studies to work on heart disease?
A)The drug was studied for over four years and found to be entirely ineffective.
B)African American patients responded to the drug more successfully than all other patients
C)The drug had not been tried in humans ever before.
D)The drug was approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration before it had been tested thoroughly.

The results were so successful in the study on heart failure that the researchers:
A)felt it unethical to continue administering a placebo to the other half of the test study.
B)placed the drug into world-wide use.
C)have suggested it replace all other heart failure drug therapies.
D)felt they should publish their findings immediately.

The critical question that remains from this study is:
A)when it can be placed on the market for all people to have access to.
B)whether the drug should be studied any longer.
C)whether targeting a drug by race is good science
D)if the drug has been studied by a large enough test sample.
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