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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What is Frederick Law Olmsted helping to plan?
A.a huge party
B.the grounds for a new capitol building
C.the landscaping of the World’s Fair of 1893.
D.the building of Chicago

2.How does Olmsted feel about boats in his design?
A.He doesn't want boats at all.
B.He wants mighty steam powered boats.
C.He wants big impressive boats.
D.He wants quiet graceful boats.

3."Although he is given twenty-six months to complete his task, why does Olmsted contend that he will actually have fewer months?"
A.He can't start work until he gets back from his world tour.
B.He can’t complete his work until the large structures are built.
C.He needs to have everything done two months ahead of time so it can all be checked.
D.He has to wait for the plants to grow before he can finish planning.

4.What part of the design is Olmsted’s focal point?
A.the square in the middle
B.the lagoon
C.the great oak
D.Grand Court

5.What effect was Olmsted NOT trying to achieve with his plans?
A.a mighty and unmissable effect
B.a mysterious poetic effect
C.a theatrical effect
D.a banquet of glimpses

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