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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.In "The Lover Showeth How He Is Forsaken, " what has happened to the speaker's beloveds over time?
A.They have become wild and forgetful.
B.They have all died.
C.They have all moved away, never to be seen again.
D.They have grown old.

2.What clarification does the speaker make in the third stanza in "The Lover Showeth How He Is Forsaken"?
A.His thoughts and memories have not been a dream.
B.He imagined the person about whom he writes.
C.The experience he is writing about has all been a dream.
D.He writes not about himself, but rather a friend of his.

3.In "Whoso List to Hunt, " to whom or what does the speaker compare the object of the hunt?
C.a deer
D.the wind

4.How does the hind describe itself?
A.wild to hold, although it seems tame, agile, yet catchable
C.sluggish, and easy to catch
D.growing weak with a wearied mind

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