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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What does Lady Macbeth do with her hands as she sleepwalks?
A.She moves them in the air, as if swatting something in the air.
B.She keeps them behind her back.
C.She rubs her hands, as if washing them.
D.She raises them to shield her eyes.

2.What does Angus say about the men Macbeth commands?
A.They fight because they are soldiers, not out of love for Macbeth.
B.They are loyal and will fight to the death to protect Macbeth.
C.They are the most inexperienced soldiers in Scotland.
D.They are secretly plotting to overthrow Macbeth.

3.Why does Macbeth not fear Malcolm?
A.Macbeth knows that he is stronger than Malcolm.
B.Macbeth believes that he has supernatural forces working with him.
C.The witches said that anyone born of a woman could not defeat Macbeth.
D.Macbeth wrongly assumes that all Scots will rush to defend their country against the English Army.

4.What information about Birnam Wood does the messenger bring?
A.He saw the ghosts of Duncan and Banquo leading soldiers.
B.He also has seen the three witches in the woods.
C.He tells Macbeth that he saw the wood begin to move.
D.He reports that the English Army is occupying the woods.

5.How does Macbeth die?
A.Malcolm kills Macbeth and takes his rightful place as king.
B.Macduff kills Macbeth.
C.Macbeth commits suicide.
D.Old Siward revenges his son's death by killing Macbeth.

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