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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.How does Gulliver initially free himself from being tied down?
A.He agrees to nine articles dictating his actions and behavior.
B.He uses his great strength to rip the strings.
C.He tricks the Lilliputians into releasing him.
D.He agrees to become a slave.

2.Under what two evils do the Lilliputians labor?
A.a civil war and the plague
B.lack of food and a drought overthrow of the government and tidal waves
D.a violent faction at home and danger of an invasion from an enemy

3.According to the King of Brobdingnag, what are the qualifications for a seat in the English legislature?
A.bravery, arrogance, and physical strength
B.ignorance, idleness, and vice
C.intelligence, wealth, and education
D.integrity, love of country, and wisdom

4.How does Gulliver deflect more criticism from the king about his home country?
A.He runs away.
B.He eludes many questions and even lies.
C.He turns the king's questions around by asking questions himself.
D.He attacks the king with criticisms of Brobdingnag.

5.What invention does Gulliver describe to the king?
A.the battering ram
B.the crossbow
C.the wheel

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