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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What is the subject of El Degheidi's film Women in Search of Freedom?
A.aristocratic Muslim women
B.working married Arab women
C.female migrant workers
D.young urban Muslim women

2.What is one change the author cites as proof that things might be changing for Arab women?
A.the growing public role being taken by the wives of Arab leaders
B.more Arab women becoming company executives
C.the increasing divorce rates
D.many Arab women leaving their countries to move to the West

3.What significant role does the author place on Morocco's Nadia Yassine?
A.She is the most western-influenced woman in the Arab world.
B.She is the most visible fundamentalist feminist in the Arab world.
C.She is the most powerful woman in a leadership position in the Arab world.
D.She is the smartest woman in the Arab world.

4.Why has the Arab media become more influential in recent years?
A.Many media outlets are operated by women.
B.The number of television sets has increased dramatically.
C.The use of satellite dishes has grown.
D.Almost all roving reporters are women.

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