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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to the speaker in "To an Athlete Dying Young," where does glory not stay? fields old bodies towns market-places

2.On what does the speaker in "To an Athlete Dying Young" say to set the fleet foot?
A.the low lintel
B.unwithered curls
C.the threshold
D.the sill of shade

3.Why does the speaker in "When I Was One-and-Twenty" say there was no use talking to him?
A.The speaker was only twenty-one.
B.The speaker never took advice.
C.The speaker didn't like the wise man.
D.The speaker was too sad to listen to anyone.

4.What does the speaker in "When I Was One-and-Twenty" come to realize at the end of the poem?
A.Love is useless, at any age.
B.The wise man was right.
C.Love is more intense when younger.
D.One should always give away money.

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