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Selection Quick Checks (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.In the first stanza of "Fern Hill," what title does the speaker give himself?
A.master of the apple boughs
B.king of daisies and barley
C.prince of the apple towns
D.lord of trees and leaves

2.In "Fern Hill," what were the owls doing while the speaker was sleeping?
A.bearing the farm away
B.singing tunes down the chimney
C.flying their heedless ways through the house high hay

3.In "Fern Hill," what does the speaker say he did although time held him green and dying?
A.ran his heedless ways
B.sang in his chains like the sea
C.fled the childless land
D.followed time out of grace

4.In "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," what advice does the speaker give to the aged? rage against the dying of the light know that dark is right sing to the sun in flight dance in green bays

5.To whom does the speaker address in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"?
A.all good men
B.wise men
C.grave men
D.his father

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