¡Buen viaje!: Level 1

Chapter 9: El verano y el invierno


De vacaciones

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  • To describe winter and summer weather
  • To talk about winter and summer leisure activities
  • To relate actions and events that took place in the past
  • To describe and talk about winter and summer resorts in the Spanish-speaking world


  • Have students read Lectura opcional 1 on page 294 of the textbook so that they understand the inverse relationship of the seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres before they begin this activity.


  • After finishing question 2 of the Después de navegar section, have students conduct a mini-debate in class during which volunteers read their reasons why they think the Spanish Club should go to the particular destination they have chosen. The class could then vote to decide who presented the best reasons and a small prize could be awarded to the winner.

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