Glencoe Science Level Green

Unit 3: The Basis of Life

Genotype and Phenotype of family tree

Project Type: Model
As a class define the terms: genotype and phenotype. As a class, brainstorm various traits that can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, the traits may include eye color, hair color, attached ears lobes, and the ability to roll your tongue. As a class, determine how you are going to label the dominant and recessive alleles for each trait. Break the students into groups and create two hypothetical sets of grandparents. Select three traits that you would like to trace. Have the student determine if a family member will receive a particular gene by flipping a penny. Have the students fill out the generation chart for the next two generations. Have students use their new family tree to discuss how genes play a role in genetics, but also how chance is involved.

Visit these sites to help you develop your project.

Resources on animal adaptations

Genetics and You

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