Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 4: The Structure of the Atom

Web Links

What is Radioactivity?
Visit this site for an explanation of radioactivity and diagrams of the various types.
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Exploring the Table of Isotopes
This site is a project of the Berkeley National Laboratory. Use the interactive table to learn more about isotopes. What is the half-life of Cs-115?
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Glimpses of Atomic Theory through Time
This site gives some history in the concept development of the atom—everything from Aristotle to nanotechnology. There is a conventional photo of an oil droplet and an optical image showing features 1-nm across (approximately 5 atoms in width). Compare and contrast the two images in your Science Journal.
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Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment
Visit this site to learn more about Robert Millikan’s oil drop experiment. Try the simulation of Millikan’s chamber. Adjust the voltage and watch the drops. Do you see any suspended in air? Read on to find out why these drops stop mid-air.
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Biography of Robert Millikan
Robert Millikan won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1923 for his contributions to science. Read the article to find out what Millikan’s first career choice was, then read on to discover the many contributions that he made to science.
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The Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment
Rutherford discovered that the atom was mostly empty space. Visit this Web site and try out the gold foil experiment simulator. Increase the size of the opening in the lead screen and watch the affect it has on the particles.
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Biography of Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908. Visit this site to discover the many contributions that this man made to science. How many names do you recognize in this biography?
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Henry (Harry) Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley’s Contribution to Atomic Structure
Visit this site and discover the contributions that Moseley made to atomic structure. Read the article and find out what happened to this great scientist at a very early age.
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Nanotechnology Images
Visit this site to see images at the atomic level. Click on the link The Birth of a CO2 Molecule and see how carbon and oxygen combine. Read the text to see how this new technology could be used.
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