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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which statement best describes the U.S. economy in 1893?
An economic upturn led to higher wages for all employees.
An economic depression led to failed businesses and high unemployment.
New scientific discoveries led to an increase in the country's industries.
Bankruptcies and a loss of jobs led people to rely on welfare programs.

2.What was "gold fever"?
an intense wish to own gold jewelry and dishes
an illness endured by unemployed factory workers
feelings of excitement and greed caused by a discovery of gold
a disease caused by traveling from Seattle to the Klondike by ship

3.Why did people in Dawson begin to panic when they heard that thousands of people were heading there to look for gold?
They knew there would not be enough food for everyone during the coming winter.
They wanted all of the gold for themselves and the government of Canada.
They had heard of ships being stranded on sandbars when the river was too shallow.
They knew that a warm winter would lead to a shortage of whiskey.

4.Which statement best describes the majority of people who set out for the Klondike?
They knew they would be facing dangers such as frostbite.
They had a clear idea of the location of the Yukon and the Klondike.
They had little trust for experts who gave advice about where to look for gold.
They were convinced they would return home with new wealth.

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