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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why effect does he Lion's roar "ME AND MYSELF" have on the smaller animals?
It makes them laugh.
It brings them out into the sunshine.
It scares them.
It gives them a reason to go hunting.

2.What is he Lion's answer to why he will not give up roaring?
"I've seen Man."
"I’m the king of the forest."
"I know lots."
"I've been around the whole forest."

3.Who does Bruh Rabbit call "Was Once"?
an old man sleeping under a tree
a boy of nine playing in a clearing
a young man with a big gun
he Lion and Bruh Bear

4.How does he Lion change after he meets Man?
He becomes afraid of the small animals.
He talks only to Bruh Bear.
He hides in a cave all day.
He doesn't roar so often or so loudly.

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