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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.If you were sending a check with your mail-order form to Pet Care Magazine, which box on the form would you check?
Payment is enclosed
Mother's maiden name
Bill me later
Home address

2.What would you need to fill in on the mail-order form to receive a pet care newsletter?
gift message
apartment number
parent's e-mail address
social security number

3.How do you know that the savings account application is meant for kids?
The applicant must say if he or she is a U.S. citizen.
An adult custodian must sign before withdrawals can be made.
The applicant's signature is required on the application.
A social security number is required.

4.According to the technical instructions, which of these is an example of an e-mail address suffix?

5.According to the technical instructions, how do you send a file with your e-mail message?
Guide the arrow to New Mail and click.
Click Tools and then follow spell-check directions.
Type your subject in the subject line and then press Enter.
Click on the attachment feature and follow the instructions.

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