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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What do the Whatifs whisper in the speaker's ear in "Whatif"?
ideas for pranks to play
doubts about things that might happen
gossip about friends
answers to homework questions

2.What does the question "Whatif green hair grows on my chest" reveal about the speaker of "Whatif"?
He prefers any color of hair to green.
He has a strong fear of growing older.
He doesn't want to be different from everyone else.
He can't decide what clothes to wear to school.

3.What warning is contained in "Jimmy Jet and His TV Set"?
Stay away from TV sets.
Watching TV will make you blind.
If you watch TV, people will watch you.
Don't watch too much TV.

4.What is the rhyme scheme of the first four lines of "Jimmy Jet and His TV Set"?
I'll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet— And you know what I tell you is true. He loved to watch his TV set Almost as much as you.

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