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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why does the writer's neighbor say "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH" early one morning?
She has forgotten her gym bag.
She has walked into a spider web.
She realizes it's raining outside.
She has forgotten to feed her pet spider.

2.The writer of the essay tries to show both the woman's and the spider's
point of view.
suspicious qualities.
life story.
love of conflict.

3.One of the writer's main purposes in this essay is to point out how the woman and the spider are

4.What does the writer say he envies most about spiders?
their diet of gnats
their ability to make webs
their poisonous fangs
their climbing abilities

5.What lesson does the writer say the song about the itsy bitsy spider teaches?
People should look for adventure.
Spiders are brave.
Children are like spiders.
We are survivors.

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