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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why was Elie Wiesel giving a speech in Oslo, Norway, in 1986?
He was testifying in court about the Nazi camps.
He was accepting a Nobel Peace Prize.
He was telling schoolchildren about Rumania.
He was presenting an award to Carl von Ossietzky.

2.What happened to Wiesel's family when he was fifteen years old?
They were forced to join the Nazi party.
They were taken secretly to the United States.
They were allowed to change their names and flee Rumania.
They were sent to a Nazi concentration camp.

3.How was Wiesel able to leave the Buchenwald camp?
The U.S. Army liberated the camp.
The Nazis abandoned the camp.
German pacifists freed the prisoners.
He escaped with a group of Gypsies.

4.Elie Wiesel is credited as being one of the first persons to use the word Holocaust to describe
Nazi concentration camps.
World War II.
Nazi mass killings.
the German takeover of Poland.

5.What was ironic about Elie Wiesel's 1986 award for urging people to reject bigotry, hatred, and violence?
The year before, a former Nazi had received the same award.
Twenty years earlier, Wiesel's father had been given the same award.
Ten years earlier, Wiesel had been nominated for the award but rejected.
Fifty years earlier, the same award was given to an man who had warned about the Nazis.

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