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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Whom does Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., call his best friend in the world?
Bull Connor
Ralph Abernathy
his wife, Coretta

2.According to King, what are the masses of people throughout the world crying, ?
"We want to be free."
"Let us vote."
"We are human."
"No more! No more!"

3.What was the start of ending slavery for the slaves in ancient Egypt?
when the slaves first became educated
when the slaves fought among themselves
when the slaves refused to work
when the slaves gathered together

4.What does King say should be the first item on the agenda of massive industries in the United States?
environmental concerns
fair treatment
higher wagers
more jobs

5.What is the significance of King not sneezing?
After a knife attack, King's life was in danger had he sneezed.
King had a life-threatening case of pneumonia.
He was alluding to a passage in the Bible about a sick man.
Sneezing was considered a sign of weakness.

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