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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is the "truth" about heroes that Ripley says is "both complicated and sad"?
Heroism is probably just a construct of the human mind, so we tend to exaggerate a few people's good features to comfort ourselves.
Even though many heroes deserve to be called such, the word hero is also used to support a fiction that bravery and courage are enough to get us through life.
Very few people whom we celebrate as heroes really deserve it.
Heroes are incredibly important in society, but unfortunately we are seeing fewer and fewer these days.

2.According to Ripley, Xavier Emmanuelli of Doctors Without Borders said that he never finds heroes in the obvious spots. What does he mean by that?
The heroes he encounters are ordinary people whose heroic deeds mostly go unnoticed.
People become heroes not because they're better people, but because they're in odd situations.
Heroes are hard to find.
Heroes are the kinds of people who prefer to avoid recognition.

3.What does Ripley say is the difference between American and European views about heroes?
Europeans expect their heroes to be low profile people, while Americans tend to look to leaders as heroes.
Europeans don't care as much about their heroes.
Americans have a strong sense of individualism and a romantic sense of heroes who operate alone; Europeans are less likely to celebrate the actions of a single person.
Europeans are more likely to celebrate a hero who is not very well known.

4.Despite what Ripley says is the European attitude about heroes, what does she also say the 2003 survey shows?
The survey shows that it is not true that most people have many heroes.
The survey found Europeans tend to admire their current leaders most, which suggests that Europeans want to believe in these "heroes" of sorts.
Although Europeans say they want heroes, really it seems they are more interested in the practicalities of everyday life.
Although we tend to celebrate our celebrities, an everyday hero has more appeal to most people, European or American alike.

5.Ripley says that a hero has to be both a dreamer and a realist. Explain what she means by that.
Anyone who is not both a dreamer and a realist will not appeal to enough people to be a true hero.
A true hero must listen to both dreamers and realists, so a true hero must be both.
Only a dreamer can escape from the realities of life and become a hero.
A hero has to believe against overwhelming odds that something can change, but needs the right circumstances to perform the acts that make a hero.

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