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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What does Tsis-tsis-tas, the Cheyenne name for their people, mean?
The Special Group
The Chosen Ones
The People
The Brave

2.According to the Cheyenne, what practice did the veho, or white people, follow?
making promises and not keeping them
disrespecting the rights of the Cheyenne
destroying everything in their path
giving presents only to take them back

3.What did the Crow warriors try to do as they surrounded Comes-in-Sight?
grab his horse
capture him alive
steal his weapons
touch the living enemy and then get away safely

4.What happened after Buffalo Calf Road Woman saved her brother?
The white soldiers fired their weapons at the Cheyenne people.
The Cheyenne retreated to safety behind the Rosebud River.
The Gray Fox, General Crook, made a strategic withdrawal.
The Cheyenne and their allies joined forces to fight the white soldiers.

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