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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Which mystical monster was an elaboration on the giant squid?
the kraken
the mermaid
the Loch Ness monster
the okapi

2.Which animal from the article has been proven NOT to be a myth?
the yeti
the Loch Ness monster
the unicorn
the okapi

3.What do some people say lives in Lake Champlain?
a huge tentacular beast
the Loch Ness monster
"Champ," a huge sauropod
a fish the size of a mountain

4.What did the mysterious "blobs" turn out to be?
whale blubber
giant squid
an octopod

5.What do psychologists say about the human habit of making up mystical creatures?
Nature is a blank slate for the expression of our subconscious.
It shows that humans are lonely and constantly hope for other lifeforms.
It proves we are a social animal.
It shows that humans are unreliable and prone to lies.

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