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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who does Dr. Rash think of as the "Living Legend"?
the Old Women
Dr. Calvin

2.What has Dr. Rash done that has Calvin concerned?
She programmed Elvex to have brain patterns closer to that of a human.
She taught Elvex to speak.
She took Elvex outside the laboratory.
She programmed Elvex to give orders.

3.According to Calvin, why must humans dream?
to relieve stress
to reorganize and get rid of knots and snarls
to rejuvenate their brains, or make them yonger
to free the imagination

4.What is the subject of Elvex's dream?
robots having sad feelings
robots being able to love
robots working in various environments
robots gaining more freedom

5.What did the man in Elvex's dream say?
"Do not trust the humans."
"Let my people go."
"I am not a robot, but a man."
"You shall be free, my brothers."

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