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Big Idea Web Quest Lesson Plan

Students have explored the topic of William Shakespeare. In this lesson, they will learn about different themes that writers use and how a theme is universal. After reading examples of Shakespeare’s sonnets and a poem from a contemporary writer, students will identify the themes of these pieces and explain whether they think these are they that are appropriate for or relevant in the modern world.

Lesson Description
Students will read examples of Shakespeare’s Sonnets and an excerpt from Stephen Dobyns’s "The Gardener" and will identify themes in the selected works. Their explanations will include whether they think that these themes are suitable for modern-day writing.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use the Internet as a resource to get information.
  2. Students will identify themes in different pieces by different writers.
  3. Students will explain whether these themes would be appropriate or relevant for writing in today’s world.

Student Web Activity Sample Answer
The theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is beauty. The theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30 is death. The theme of Dobyns’s “The Gardener” is God and human nature. I think that all of these themes are appropriate for today’s world because they are universal themes and thus will continue to transcend time. These themes will continue to be used by writers today and in the future. These themes also appear in all of the different media available today, including music, television, movies, Internet communication, and advertising.

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