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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where did the speaker first meet the pilgrims?
at the Stratford-atte-Bowe
in Southwark, at The Tabard
in Canterbury
in Alexandria

2.What is the speaker's opinion of the knight?
He thought he was a true, perfect gentle-knight.
He thought he was a coward.
He thought he was arrogant.
He thought he was a boring, unintelligent man.

3.According to the speaker, what is the true example a priest should give?
one of compassion
one of cleanness
one of frugality
one of intelligence

4.In what manner does the speaker say he will tell the story of the pilgrims?
as a rambling story and with the help of other writers
as entertaining as possible, embellishing the facts when necessary
as briefly as he can, leaving out unnecessary details and events
as accurately as he can, using the pilgrims' own words

5.What suggestion does the tavern keeper give to the pilgrims to help them in their pilgrimage to Canterbury?
The pilgrims should pass through a sacred location on their way to Canterbury.
The pilgrims should pool their money so they can stay at the finest inns along the way.
Each pilgrim must tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back.
Each pilgrim must confess his or her sins before they get to Canterbury.

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