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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to the tavern-knave, who killed the person for whom the funeral was held?
a highway bandit
the man's wife
a thief they call Death
one of the tavern rioters

2.What did the three rioters do in the tavern that morning?
They took a vow to protect each other and hunt down Death.
They agreed never to leave the tavern in fear of seeing Death.
They argued about the validity of the story of the thief called Death.
The agreed to join forces with the thief so they could become rich.

3.What information does the old man give the three rioters?
He tells them that the story of the thief called Death is not true.
He tells the three rioter's fortunes.
He tells them his life's history.
He tells them where they can find Death.

4.What did the youngest of the rioters plan to do?
wait until night and then pretend that he is Death so he can steal the gold
poison his two companions and keep the gold to himself
tell others about the gold under the tree
find Death and strike a bargain with him

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