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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.When does the story told by the Wife take place?
during the time of the Ancient Greeks
during the time of King Arthur
during the time of Ptolemy
during the reign of the Roman Empire

2.Who helped the knight discover the answer to the question?
an old lady he saw at the edge of a wood
twenty-four ladies dancing in the wood
the Roman poet Ovid
his mother

3.What answer does the knight give to the queen?
Women want true love and nothing more.
Women want the power to rule kingdoms.
Women want to be treated as frail creatures.
Women want the self-same sovereignty over their husbands and their lovers.

4.What happens to the old lady after marrying the knight?
She disappears from his sight.
She transforms into a young and lovely woman.
She grows even older and more plain.
She turns into the queen.

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