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Interactive Reading Practice

Johnie Armstrong

There dwelt a man in fair Westmerland,
             Johnie Armstrong men did him call,
He had neither lands nor rents coming in,
             Yet he kept eight score men in his hall.

He had horse and harness for them all,
             Goodly steeds were all milk-white;
O the golden bands about their necks,
             And their weapons, they were alike.

News was brought unto the king,
             That there was sick a won as he,
That lived like a bold out-law,
             And robbed all the north country.

The king he wrote a letter then,
             A letter large and long;
He signed it with his owne hand,
             And he promised to do him no wrong.

When this letter came Johnie until,
             His heart it was as blithe as birds on the tree;
"Never was I sent for before any king,
             My father, my grandfather, nor none but me.

"And if we go the king before,
             I would we went most orderly;
Every man of you shall have his scarlet cloak,
             Laced with silver laces three.

"Every one of you shall have his velvet coat,
             Laced with silver lace so white;
O the gold bands about your necks,
             Black hats, white feathers, alike."

By the morrow morning at ten of the clock,
             Towards Eddenburrough gone was he,
And with him all his eight score men;
             Good lord, it was a goodly sight for to see!

When Johnie came before the king,
             He fell down on his knee;
"O pardon, my sovereign liege," he said,
            "O pardon my eight score men and me!"

"Thou shalt have no pardon, thou traitor strong,
             For thy eight score men nor thee;
For tomorrow morning by ten of the clock,
             Thou shalt all hang on the gallow-tree."

But Johnie looked over his left shoulder,
             Good Lord, what a grievous look looked he!
Saying, "Asking grace of a graceless face-
             Why there is none for you nor me."

But Johnie had a bright sword by his side,
             And it was made of the mettle so free,
That had not the king stept his foot aside,
             He had smitten his head from his faire body.

Saying, "Fight on, my merry men all,
             And see that none of you be taine
For rather than men shall say we were hanged,
             Let them report how we were slain."

Then like a mad man Johnie laid about,
             And like a mad man then fought he,
Until a false Scot came Johnie behind,
             And run him through the faire body.

Saying, "Fight on, my merry men all,
             And see that none of you be taine,
For I will lie down but to bleed awhile,
             And then will I rise and fight again."



From the text, what do you know about Johnie Armstrong's household?



Who do you think is the "bold out-law"?



Are you surprised by Johnie's reaction to the letter from the king? Why or why not?



Why does Johnie order his men to put on their finery and dress alike?



How would you describe the character of the king?



What action takes place in this stanza?



What positive qualities do you see in Johnie Armstrong?



What other outlaw leader of "merry men" do you know of? How is this ballad similar to tales of this other outlaw?

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