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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What was the king in "Sir Patrick Spens" looking for?
a wife
sailors to sail his ship
more wine
a tall mast for his sailing ship

2.What fear does Sir Patrick Spens have?
He fears the deep water off Aberdour.
He fears the lack of experience of the Scottish lords.
He fears that they will come to harm.
He fears the enemy ships that are near Scotland. "Bonny Barbara Allan," why is Sir John Graeme sick?
He is sick because of Barbara Allan.
He was wounded protecting Barbara Allan.
He had too much to drink.
He was heartbroken.

4.What did Barbara Allan hear as she left Graeme?
She heard the death bell toll.
She heard Graeme calling her back.
She heard her mother's voice calling her.
She heard the voices of the men in the tavern.

5.In "Get Up and Bar the Door," why did the goodman speak?
His wife was going to leave with the visitors.
The visitors were going to bar the door.
The visitors were going to steal his money.
The visitors were going to scald him and kiss his wife.

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