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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.In "On Monsieur's Departure," what does the speaker admit to in the first stanza?
She loves Monsieur.
She talks, or chatters, to herself about her feelings.
She has no feelings toward Monsieur.
She is open with others about her feelings.

2.Of what does the speaker say she is made of in the third stanza?
melting snow
sweet content
fading shadows
raging fire

3.In "Speech to the Troops at Tilbury," where does Elizabeth I say she has placed her strength and safeguard?
in her lieutenant general
in armed multitudes
in the strength of her armed forces
in the loyal hearts and good-will of her subjects

4.What does Elizabeth pledge to do if necessary?
give up her throne if England loses in battle
invade and defeat the countries of Europe
take up arms and fight alongside her soldiers
revenge the deaths of those who might fall in battle

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