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Selection Quizzes (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.What puzzles the speaker at the beginning of "Sonnet 30"?
why his beloved loves him so much
why his love cannot melt his beloved's icy resistence
why he loves his beloved so much
why his beloved will not marry him

2.According to the speaker of "Sonnet 30" what power does love have?
the power to freeze a warm heart
the power to change ice to fire
the power to make an ice that is impervious to fire
the power to alter the course of nature

3.In "Sonnet 75," what happens to the name the speaker writes on the beach?
It remains although the waves wash over it.
Waves wash it away.
His beloved wipes it away.
The speaker rubs it away with his foot.

4.How does the speaker of "Sonnet 75" plan to make his beloved eternal?
by writing about her virtues
by writing her name in beaches around the world
by marrying his beloved
by dying with his beloved

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