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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What does the third witch say to Macbeth and Banquo that puzzles Macbeth?
that Macbeth will soon be killed in battle
that he will be king hereafter
that Banquo will eventually turn against Macbeth
that Macbeth's army will soon be crushed in battle

2.Why is the Thane of Cawdor executed?
for trying to kill Duncan
for cowardice on the battlefield
for losing the battle
for treason

3.What does Lady Macbeth tell her husband when he returns home?
that she thinks that Macbeth is not fit to be king
that Macbeth should ignore the witches and be loyal to Duncan
that she will seek out the witches for help
that she will take care of the business of killing Duncan

4.What does Lady Macbeth accuse Macbeth of when they speak alone?
She accuses him of telling Duncan about her plan.
She accuses him of losing his nerve and that he will not go through with their plan.
She accuses him of adultery.
She accuses him of not believing what the witches told him.

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