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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Where does Pepys go after leaving Westminster Abbey?
to Whitehall
to Westminster Hall
to the Cinque Ports
to the Tower of London

2.What was the purpose of the King's Champion?
to fight anyone who denies the king's right to be king
to lead the procession of the food
to announce the coronation of the king through the streets of London
to act as a bodyguard for the king

3.What does Pepys say helped fuel the fire?
a drought that afflicted London
whale oil from ships on the river
citizens unknowingly fanning the flames
goods from the steel yard

4.What advice did Pepys give to the King and the Duke of York?
allow homes to burn but save the churches and cathedrals
bring up naval officers to help put out the fire
evacuate the city
pull down houses to stop the fire

5.Where did Pepys store his valuables?
in the Tower of London
in his cellar
with the King in Whitehall
in the cellar of St. Paul's

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