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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Steele, what qualities allow Sir Richard to be capable of pleasing and obliging all who know him?
He is quite dull and uneducated.
He is unconfined to modes and forms.
He has no solid foundation of good manners.
He has no opinions on matters of importance.

2.What is unusual about the way in which Sir Roger dresses himself?
His clothes are out of date.
His clothes reflect the finest fashion of Italy, not England.
His clothes are more appropriate for someone of a lower social position.
He dresses in a most childlike manner.

3.What does Addison call the height of good breeding?
solid morals and behaviors
refinement and courtesy
an unconstrained carriage and certain openness of behavior
conversation and civility

4.What infamous piece of good-breeding has not made its way to the country, according to Addison?
the use of course, uncivilized words
the use of tobacco
the use of French words in conversation

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