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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who does Mr. Bennet say might capture the eye of Mr. Bingley?
Mrs. Bennet
Lady Lucas

2.What is the business of Mrs. Bennet's life?
to get her daughters married
to read the news and gossip
to plan parties
to maintain the family home

3.What, according to the narrator, was a certain step toward falling in love?
being kissed
being fond of dancing
receiving a formal introduction
receiving a dinner invitation

4.Who were the ladies Bingley brought to the assembly?
his two sisters
Kitty and Lydia
two suitors from London
a cousin and his sister-in-law

5.What is the narrator's opinion of Mr. Darcy's character?
She thinks he is rather plain and slow-witted.
She thinks he is quite similar to Mr. Bingley.
She thinks he is the proudest and most disagreeable man in the world.
She thinks she has never seen a finer gentleman.

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