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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.At what occasion does the Mariner tell his story
a funeral
after a church service
a launching of a sailing ship
a wedding

2.What did the sailors see as they sailed through the icebergs?
an albatross
a penguin
a seagull
a vision of an emerald church

3.In Part II, why could the sailors not talk?
Their throats were parched from not having drinking water.
The albatross cursed all on board the ship.
They had nothing to talk about.
They did not want to disturb the sea gods.

4.What happened to the Mariner's fellow sailors?
They all died.
They jumped overboard to end their misery.
They fell into a coma-like state
They transformed into birds and flew away.

5.What advice does the Mariner give the wedding guest?
to never leave his country
to love both man and bird and beast
to never kill an albatross
to never become a sailor

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