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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.To whom or what does Oliver bow when introduced to the board?
Mr. Bumble
the entire board
the beadle
the table

2.Why didn't Oliver pray for those who took care of him?
Nobody taught him how to pray.
He didn't think it was warranted.
He didn't want to pray.
He didn't think it would do any good.

3.Why did the dinner bowls never need washing?
The bowls were never used since there was no food to eat.
The boys cleaned them by trying to get the all the gruel out.
The caretakers did not believe in washing eating utensils.
The only water available was polluted.

4.What was Oliver elected to do?
meet with the board to demand better living conditions
run away to get help
ask for more food
steal more food for the boys

5.Of what was the gentleman in the white waistcoat so sure?
Oliver Twist would come to be hung.
Someone would take in Oliver.
The board would change its policies.
The boys of the parish would revolt.

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