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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.When all is said and done, according to the writer Siegfried Sassoon, what is the war?
a long painful memory
shattered lives and rubble
mainly holes and ditches
crying and dying

2.Why did the trenches zigzag every few yards?
to contain damage to a limited space and to prevent enfilade fire
to make them harder to see from the air
to allow more angles of gunfire in defense
to make for better communication between positions on the line

3.What two American inventions does Fussell say contributed most to the personal menace of the war?
mustard gas and the repeating rifle
the telephone and the airplane
the tank and the trench
barbed wire and the machine gun

4.In the trenches, what helped to create the air of a parody modern city?
directional and traffic control signs
fake store signs and advertisements
small telegraph poles and newspaper stands
fire hydrants and food carts

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