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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is the one certain, cruel truth about Big Sid?
He was born in the Caribbean.
He is homeless.
He was once a star football player.
His family has deserted him.

2.According to many experts, what do social-welfare policies fail to do?
provide clothing for the millions of homeless
move the homeless from the streets into jobs and permanent housing
feed the homeless
make the shelters better places in which to live

3.What group makes up the majority of Europe's homeless people?
young childless couples
single or separated men

4.What has been Europe's traditional response to homelessness?
to throw money and benefits at the problem
to ignore the plight of the homeless
to send the homeless to religious organizations
to rely on the generosity of its well-to-do citizens

5.What is the most promising solution for homelessness according to the writer?
giving more control and power to central authorities
creating more jobs
letting local authorities deal with the homeless
building more humane shelters

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