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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What was Strickland's crowning achievement?
being initiated into the Sat Bhai
knowing the Hálli-Hukk dance
posing as a priest and working on the Nasiban Murder Case
mastering the thieves'-patter of the chángars

2.According to the narrator, why did the natives hate and fear Strickland?
He knew too much.
He made too many arrests.
He was a corrupted official.
He was loud and arrogant.

3.Why does Strickland confront the General?
The General was a wanted criminal.
The General was stealing from the Youghals.
The General had insulted Strickland.
The General was flirting with Miss Youghal.

4.What must Strickland agree to in order to marry Miss Youghal?
He must never leave India.
He must stick to departmental routine.
He must give up his job.
He must continue to serve in the Youghal's employment.

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