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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to Orwell, who taunted and jeered at Europeans the most in Burma?
young Buddhist priests
Burmese football players
young kids
elderly Burmese women

2.Why were the Burmese citizens helpless against the escaped elephant?
The mahout had been killed by the elephant.
They had very little experience handling elephants.
It was against their religion to harm elephants.
They had no weapons.

3.How did Orwell feel as he set off after the elephant with the rifle and the crowd behind him?
like a conquering hero
afraid and not confident
vaguely uneasy and foolish
relaxed and brimming with confidence

4.Why did Orwell think he had to shoot the elephant?
He had been ordered to shoot the elephant.
The Burmese people expected him to.
It was the morally correct action to take.
It was the law.

5.Why did the younger Europeans think it was a shame that the elephant was killed?
They preferred to kill animals in a proper hunt.
The elephant's owner was not justly compensated.
Elephants made fantastic companions.
They thought an elephant was worth more than the man it killed.

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