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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Churchill states that he speaks for the life of the country and what?
against tyranny in the world
with the blessing of the royal family
the cause of freedom
underdogs throughout the world

2.When the war comes to the people of Britain, what does Churchill say the people will feel?
comfort and pride in sharing the perils of their British soldiers
death and destruction, the likes of which have never been seen before
great personal sacrifice
hope in a cause much greater than their lives

3.According to Churchill, what is the task of the British people?
to hold onto the English way of life
to drive the Germans out of France
to keep the Germans from invading Britain
to win not only the battle but to win the War

4.What was the bond that united the various political factions in Churchill's administration?
to forge a new English-French empire on the European continent
to wage war until victory is won
to maintain Churchill's administration at whatever cost
to win back Holland

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