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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Russell claims to be speaking as a _____.
member of a western democracy
human being

2.According to Russel, the general public still thinks about neclear war in terms of _____.
minor disasters
nuclear disarmament
the destruction of cities
hydrogen bombs

3.What affected Japanese fishermen and their catch after a hydrogen bomb was detonated?
radioactive dust
acid rain
disrupted ocean currents
a tsunami

4.How long does Russell say human beings have been on Earth in terms of geological time?
6,000 years
an unknown period of time
a very short period of time
50 million years

5.In Russell's opinion, what is the only way that human beings can ensure the survival of the human race?
Human beings must stockpile hydrogen bombs.
Human beings must renounce war altogether.
Human beings must abandon the idea of national sovereignty.
Human beings must abolish hydrogen bombs but not atomic bombs.

6.Which "celestial bodies" have most recently crossed the sky above the tribe?
jet planes
the Southern Cross
flying saucers and rockets
guided missiles

7.What do some witch-doctors think the activity in the sky means?
Centuries of slavery and poverty are to begin.
The people of the tribe should trust and believe in the Great Prophecy.
The Great Prophecy was wrong.
The Gods of Kilimanjaro have forsaken the tribe.

8.According to the narrator, what do the tribespeople know about the missiles that fly overhead?
They think that the missiles are messages sent by the Gods of Kilimanjaro.
They know that they are nuclear missiles and understand the destruction that they can cause.
They think that the missiles are controlled by the Nicer Nut Corporation.
They are not sure what to make of the missiles that fly overhead.

9.How is the Nicer Nut Corporation able to control the production of coconuts?
The corporation buys all the coconuts and can therefore decide their price.
The corporation can threaten the tribe with guided missiles.
The corporation has tricked the tribe by making them sign a contract.
The leaders of the corporation have made a secret pact with the witch-doctors.

10.What does the narrator mean when he says, "A tribe that relies entirely on the will of shooting stars, whatever fortune they may bring, will always be selling off its coconuts cheap"?
He means that the tribespeople should break their ties with the Nicer Nut Corporation.
He means that it is unclear whether the shooting stars will help or hurt the tribe.
He means that the tribe should take control of their own future.
He means that God is manifest in the movements of the heavens.

11.Who is the speaker in this song?
a voice representing the United States
an American artist
the President of the United States
a military general

12.The purpose of this satiric pop song is most likely to _____.

13.Which of the following reasons does the speaker of poem NOT give for wanting to drop the bomb?
Everyone in the world hates us.
We give the countries of the world money, but they continue to spite us.
There are already too many people in Asia.
Americans are an intellectually superior group of people.

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