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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.According to the narrator, why did Margaret never have opinions about the weather?
She did not know how to make an opinion.
She did not care to make opinions.
She did not have enough experience on which to base opinions.
She was not smart enough.

2.How did the farmers initially try to protect their fields from the locusts?
with prayer
with smoky fires
with insecticides
with loud music

3.What, according to Richard, might prevent the locusts from moving on?
a frost
a full moon

4.From where do the men get the information on how to defeat the hoppers?
old Stephen
a farmer from the north
a government pamphlet
one of the servants

5.What do Richard and old Stephen plan to do once the locusts leave?
file for bankruptcy
turn to raising livestock instead of maize
replant their crops
move to the city

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