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Selection Quizzes (Spanish)

1.With whom did Sundiata consult in Sibi?
the king of Sosso
his father
his mother

2.What happened to Nana Triban after Sundiata left Mali?
She was forced to become one of Soumaoro's wives.
She was driven out of Mali and lived in exile.
She became one of the new leaders of Mali.
She became a servant to Tabon Wana.

3.Who was Sundiata's singer, the person who would carry on his memory by his words?
Balla Fasséké
Nana Triban
Sassouma Bérété
Tabon Wana

4.What did all the chiefs do as Balla Fasséké mentioned their names?
They presented a gift to Sundiata.
They recited a story.
They pledged their loyalty to Sundiata.
They performed great feats.

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