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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Why does the narrator not want to open his eyes when he awakens in his prison?
He did not want to see the eyes of the inquisitors.
He was terrified that he might be back in the dungeons of Toledo.
He was terrified of viewing horrible things.
He was afraid that there would be nothing to see.

2.What saved the narrator from falling into the pit?
He accidentally fell just before stepping into the pit.
A brief flash of sunlight revealed the pit.
He kicked a stone into the pit and heard the splash of water.
He felt the edge of the pit with his toes.

3.What did the narrator see on the walls of his prison?
ornamental designs of fiends and skeletons
paintings of religious figures
pictures of various landscapes
carvings of the different types of torture used by the inquisitors

4.How does the narrator escape death by the pendulum?
He uses the knife in his pocket to cut himself free.
The inquisitors loosen the ropes, allowing him to get free.
Rats chew through the ropes holding him, allowing him to get free.
He wiggles free of the ropes.

5.What happens to the narrator at the end of the story?
He is released by the inquisitors for renouncing his crime.
He is saved by the French Army, which has entered Toledo.
He is taken to another prison with equally cruel torture techniques.
He remains trapped in the prison.

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