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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.Who wrote a letter to Whitman after reading Leaves of Grass?
Horace Greeley
Lucretia Mott
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thomas Carlyle

2.To what type of person did Whitman compare Emerson?
an emperor
a person as strong as a buffalo
a person of equal intellect to Thomas Carlyle
an American Buddha

3.What lie did Whitman tell about the first edition of Leaves of Grass?
that the edition had made him a very wealthy man
that the books sold very well
that only Alfred Tennyson had written a finer collection of poems
that it was the greatest collection of American poetry yet printed

4.Who wrote three anonymous reviews of Leaves of Grass?
Charles Eliot Norton
Walt Whitman
Richard M. Bucke
Edward Everett Hale

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