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Selection Quizzes (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.In "A Rose for Emily," why did the women of the town attend Miss Emily's funeral?
to begin the process of demolishing her home
to claim her belongings
out of curiosity to see her house
to pay respects to a dear friend

2.After her father's death and the disappearance of her sweetheart, what was the only sign of life in Miss Emily's house?
the visits of Miss Emily's relatives
the coming and going of the Negro Tobe
Miss Emily opening and closing the blinds
strange noises coming from the house

3.What did the town's people find in the upstairs bedroom?
the decomposed body of a man
Miss Emily's personal belongings
a great amount of silver, money, and other valuables
china and painting supplies

4.In "Address upon Receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature," what does Faulkner say is the basest of all things?
to write well
to honor truth
to face death
to be afraid

5.According to Faulkner, man will not only endure but what?
slowly fade away
be immortal
be courageous

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