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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What disability does Mr. Shiftlet have?
He has one arm.
He only has one leg.
He lost the sight in one eye.
He is deaf.

2.Mr. Shiftlet tells Mrs. Crater that all most people want is what?
a roof over their heads
food for their stomachs

3.According to Mr. Shiftlet, why did he improve Mrs. Crater's plantation?
He simply liked fixing things.
He was in love with Lucynell.
He had taken a personal interest in it.
He was interested in buying it from her.

4.What did Mr. Shiftlet do at the Hot Spot restaurant?
He taught Lucynell to say another word.
He robbed the restaurant.
He sold the car to the boy behind the counter.
He left Lucynell there and drove away.

5.What happens to the boy whom Mr. Shiftlet offers a ride?
He steals the automobile from Mr. Shiftlet.
He rides with Mr. Shiftlet until they reach Tuscaloosa.
He jumps out of the automobile.
He rides with Mr. Shiftlet all the way to Mobile.

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