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Selection Quizzes (English)

1.What is the English translation of the Kaw term Ta-Na-E-Ka?
"flowering of adulthood"
"warrior training"
"beaded moccasins"
"endurance ritual"

2.Why does Mrs. Richardson tell Mary she should be glad to participlate in Ta-Na-E-Ka?
It will teach her valuable lessons that will help her get good grades.
It will be a chance to get out of the house and into fresh air.
It will be a chance to compete on equal terms with boys.
It will help her become a Kaw warrior.

3.What does Mary do with the $5 she borrows from Mrs. Richardson?
buys grasshoppers
pays to sleep in a hotel
buys food
pays Ernie to keep her secret

4.Why does Mary head for the marina when she and Roger go their separate ways?
She knows she'll meet up with Roger there later.
She thinks no one there will notice her in her bathing suit.
She knows there are berry bushes near the marina.
She plans to sleep in a boat rather than outdoors.

5.What does Mary's grandfather say when she tells the truth about staying at the restaurant?
"You're pretty smart, Mary. I'd never have though of what you did."
"Somehow, you know how to exist in a world that wasn't made for Indians."
"Your folks must be worried sick about you."
"It's not a crime to borrow money, Mary."

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